Become a Young Ethical Leader Through Self Employment
"Become a Young Ethical Leader through Self Employment" a full guide for teaching school students and youngsters how to create a business idea for self-employment based on techniques for person branding, ethical social media management, ethical leadership, advertising, online communication and all technicalities needed for starting a self-employed activity. This publication is an output of the project (2019-1-FR01-KA201-062991) which has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Personal Branding for Young Leaders
The Course "Personal Branding for Young Leaders" is a comprehensive tool-kit for the production of a 18 hours course dedicated to school students and youngsters wanting to learn Personal Branding and Leadership Principles for Self Employment. Main targets of this output are school students and youngsters and teachers wanting to replicate the course
Multilingual E-Learning Platform for Future
The Multilingual E-Learning Platform for Future Ethical Leaders is an online and accessible tool for youngsters wanting to start the career in the form of self-employment through the aid of personal branding and ethical leadership strategies. This platform will be open and accessible for all. The whole content produced in the platform will be translated in 7 languages (English, Romanian, Bulgarian, Turkish, Italian, French and Russian).